Our Counsellors in Vancouver BC and Virtually
At Jericho Counselling Clinic you will discover a team of therapists who are passionate about providing the highest level of professional counselling services. Our counsellors come from diverse backgrounds with a wide range of training and expertise in the areas that many people struggle with. Please take some time to review our counsellors and get a sense of which one might be just right for you. And of course, at Jericho Counselling, we invite our new clients to meet us for a Complimentary Consultation to make sure you find a good match with a counsellor before deciding to begin formal counselling. Research has shown that one of the most important factors for a successful outcome in counselling is the relationship that develops between the client and therapist. It is absolutely crucial that you choose a counsellor with whom you feel comfortable, understood, and a sense of comfort with, almost from the moment you meet.
You may want to select a counsellor based on gender, cultural background, areas of training and expertise, or language spoken. You may want to consider whether you prefer a therapist who is a bit younger and therefore perhaps a bit easier to relate to? Or someone with a few grey hairs and the commensurate wisdom that seems to come with age. You may also want to consider which office location is most convenient for you. And you will certainly want to make sure that whichever therapist you choose is available to clients during the days and times that work best for your schedule. Whatever your sense about who might be a good fit for you is probably a pretty good place to start. If you are not quite sure and want a bit of help to decide, please call us at 604 · JERICHO (537 · 4246) or use our Contact Form to ask for a bit of guidance about where to start with finding the best match.
Our Counsellors:
Glen Grigg
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical & Counselling Psychology
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Virtual Clinic
Visit Glen Grigg‘s page
Li Shao
Master of Arts (MA) in Counselling Psychology
Registered Clinical Counsellor
West Broadway, Vancouver Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Li Shao‘s page
Raman Salooja
Master of Arts (MA) in Counselling Psychology
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Virtual Clinic
Visit Raman Salooja‘s page
Clare Smith
Master of Counselling (M.C.)
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Clare Smith‘s page
Cole Renner
Master of Arts degree (MA)
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & West Broadway, Vancouver Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Cole Renner‘s page
Adrian Sacks
Master of Arts (MA) in Transpersonal Counselling Psychology
Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC)
Virtual Clinic
Visit Adrian Sacks‘s page
Christabel Umaguing
Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology (M.A.)
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Christabel Umaguing‘s page
Rena Iwasaki
Master of Counselling Psychology (MCP)
Canadian Certified Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & West Broadway, Vancouver Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Rena Iwasaki‘s page
Yui Nishikawa
Master of Counselling (M.C.)
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Yui Nishikawa‘s page
Chelsea Carey
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & West Broadway, Vancouver Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Chelsea Carey‘s page
Sonia Blanco
Master of Science Psychology
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Sonia Blanco‘s page
Tyler Holland
Master of Counselling Psychology
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & West Broadway, Vancouver Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Tyler Holland‘s page
Trixie Cruz
Master of Education in Counselling Psychology
Registered Clinical Counsellor
West Broadway, Vancouver Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Trixie Cruz‘s page
Cate Tohill
Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology (MA)
Registered Clinical Counsellor
West Broadway, Vancouver Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Cate Tohill‘s page
Kevin Morrison
Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology (MA)
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & West Broadway, Vancouver Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Kevin Morrison‘s page
Maria Nikol
Master of Arts (MA)
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Maria Nikol‘s page
Eva Trabucco
Master of Arts (MA)
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & West Broadway, Vancouver Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Eva Trabucco‘s page
Benjamin Walsh
Master of Arts in Contemplative Psychotherapy
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & West Broadway, Vancouver Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Benjamin Walsh‘s page
Cathleen Dyer
Master of Education in Counselling Psychology
Certified Canadian Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Cathleen Dyer‘s page
We also have Graduate Intern Counsellors who would be pleased to arrange a complimentary consultation with you.
Graduate Intern Counsellors seeing clients:
Sommer Abdul-majid
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Graduate Intern Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Sommer Abdul-majid‘s page
Evan Finnamore
Master of Science (MSc)
Graduate Intern Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Evan Finnamore‘s page
Tunde Gill
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Graduate Intern Counsellor
Downtown Clinic & Virtual Clinic
Visit Tunde Gill‘s page