Gathering resources and solutions in advance can help you cope during difficult times. A self-care practice involves engaging in healthy activities that help promote happiness and relaxation in times of... read more →
At Jericho Counselling, we have temporarily moved all of our services to phone or video-based counselling in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is to help ensure the safety of... read more →
Marriage Counselling - Who, When & Why Movies and TV shows make it seem like marriage counselling is only for couples who are constantly yelling at each other. Counselling is... read more →
Helpful Breathing Tips to Keep You Calm in Those Difficult Situations Developing Skills for Managing Anger Just as there are many different reasons why people experience feelings of anger, there... read more →
One of the most common concerns that bring couples into my office for counselling is to get help with improving their communication and stop fighting with each other as often.... read more →
Many of today’s parents grew up in a time when bullying was confined to the schoolyard. Like traditional bullying, cyberbullying may be caused by kids struggling for power, dealing with... read more →
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We offer workshops around topics such as Anger Management and Anxiety.
In humans and other animals growth can occur in most parts of the body. As we mature, our bones, skin and muscle all increase in size. Trees do not grow... read more →